How to Get Philippine Birth Certificate

Need a birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, or CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage Record)?

Request these documents online from the PSA (NSO), for delivery anywhere in the Philippines or abroad.

Certain amendments between parties or for other purposes are possible to happen. It is indefinitely possible and anything can lead to such amendments.

This is due to such factors of disagreements of different aspects that both parties didn’t meet up or maybe a requirement for foreign certification. Since the emergence of legality has inculcated into our lives all the time.

Filipinos marrying have the capability to go back and request CENOMAR abroad, or even locally. There are easy steps for customers to follow. These are as follows:

  1. Filling out the application form which is linked in the site being visited. Needed information are number of copies requested, name, age, sex, place and date of birth, mother’s maiden name, father’s name, and the purpose for requesting the PSA Certificate.
  2. Batch Request number will be given and the request reference number for further verification as well. Summary of costs will be provided afterwards. Payment methods will be selected. That could be through banks (BDO Unibank, UnionBank..).
  3. Waiting for delivery (3-9 business days) upon successful application.

Worldwide sites with corresponding birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, or CENOMAR requirements are available online, thanks to the Internet. Applying for birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, or CENOMAR is just one click away. Here are the best websites for getting PSA Certificate online:

1. PSASerbilis

The PSA Serbilis website ( is PSA’s online facility for submitting requests for copy issuance of civil registry records (birth, marriage and death certificates) and issuance of certification of no marriage record (CENOMAR).

PSA Serbilis also provides clients with various modes for paying requests:

  1. Over-the-counter through any Banco De Oro or UnionBank branch nationwide
  2. Via BDO Online Banking and BDO ATM for Banco De Oro account holders
  3. Via UnionBank Online Banking and UnionBank ATM for UnionBank account holders
  4. Bayad Center
  5. Online credit card payment through PesoPay
  6. Over-the-counter through BDO Remit subsidiary offices and remittance partners abroad offering Kabayan Bills Bayad
  7. Over-the-counter through foreign correspondent banks

Other features of the website are:

  1. Request status inquiry
  2. Directory of PSA Serbilis Centers
  3. Vital statistics reports

PSA Serbilis is the web component of the Philippine Statistics Authority – Civil Registry System IT Project (CRS-ITP). The CRS-IT Project is the 12-year, multi-phase computerization project of the civil registry operations of the PSA in partnership with Unisys Philippines. It is a project involving the technology modernization of PSA that covers the conversion of more than a hundred million documents to digital format, streamlining of business processes and the establishment of the agency’s nationwide service capability. The CRS-ITP is under a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme.

2. e-Census

e-Census_Website - how to get birth certificate

This is a website made by the Philippine Statistics Authority for application of customers for NSO forms such as the CENOMAR. Their homepage is pretty straightforward and intuitive. There are provided links for application and payment methods. There is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section is also provided for customers who have concerns with regards to application information and possible ways to pay fees and charges. Online application twenty-four-seven is available, real time. Steps for getting CENOMAR is the same as stated above.

After filling up necessary information, payment methods and fees will be provided. If the customer is ordering CENOMAR within the Philippines, there will be a ₱415.00 fee and can be paid through Banco De Oro (BDO) Online Banking and BDO ATM (exclusive for BDO account holders) and UnionBank Online Banking (exclusive for UnionBank account holders). On the other hand, if the customer is ordering CENOMAR from other countries, there is a fee of $25 per copy. Payment methods for this are Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Diners Club International.


The delivery information is provided in the next page as well. Delivery within the Philippines is around 3-9 working days while international’s 6-8 weeks through PhilPost after payment.

3. PSAHelpline

nsohelpline best to get birth certificate

This site is basically a simpler version of the e-Census by its simple platform with links on how to request for CENOMAR. FAQ sections and application status are available. Just simply click “Order Now” and you will be asked for your name in the birth certificate, its details, father’s name and mother’s name. After that, you’re good to go to payment methods and delivery which takes about to payment methods (costs around ₱500.00 to ₱1000.00) and delivery which takes about 3-4 days nationwide.


There you have it. These are the best websites to get CENOMAR. Optimized for your convenience, these sites are just one click away from your needed CENOMAR.

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